A Will of Stone: How you can forge your will to take on life

It is a fact of Life that Life is hard. I am not going to sugar-coat it for you, Life is very hard.  When I think of life, I remember the words of Rocky Balboa to his son:

I really like how Balboa here is telling his son that life is a boxing match. In a boxing match, It is all about your will to win and how much you can endure. If you want to win , you  have to survive just a little bit longer than the other guy. We need to face life not with a weak or half-hearted will but with a  will of stone. For you see, when a stone is thrown around, it  still maintains it shape. When it is pounded second by second by the blades of a river, its edges are smoothed out. A rock endures through its tribulations, so why shouldn’t are wills be like a stone: determined, unwavering, and solid.


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